Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Welcome 2009!!!

And here we go into another New Year!!

The New Year has always been exciting for me. Not only does the year start fresh, but I have my birthday just 3 days before the start of the new year, so I feel a sense of an exciting new adventure too. Well I think it was more exciting when I was 6 turning 7, or 15 turning 16 or the much anticipated 17 turning 18 and the epitome of all birthdays 20 turning 21. But still, that exhilarating feeling of a new adventure has never left me, so I'm still excited about both my birthday and the new year.

This year is the year to cut the clutter. Stop laughing. I mean it. No I mean stop laughing. I have a whole year. By the end of that year my desk may be cleaner. Stop laughing at me!

I've already started.

See? I cut my hair:

And there is nothing more exciting than starting a New Year with a new haircut. Well, except starting the New Year with a new baby. And I've already done that. And so have my Mom & Dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great !!!! Did you give the cut off part to Lock of Love? Glad to hear you made it back in once piece (of mind :P)